Daily Update – 31 March 2020

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and help for the Self-Employed webinar

This was extremely popular with lots of great feedback.

If you missed it you can watch a recording of it here.


Furlough Employee Process

I have a furlough process flowchart and template letters and agreements which can be used to furlough employees.

Where you have a large number of employees and furloughing is a selective process, you may want to discuss with Rebekah Rayner an n HR specialist who is working with several of our clients and you can contact her here.


Covid-19 Action Plan meetings

We are running Covid-19 Action Plan meetings for all clients that would like one. Meetings will be held on Zoom and will last 30 minutes where we will focus on your biggest issues right now, make sure you’re aware of all the funding and support options available to you and identify ways we can move forward to help you get through the next few months.

Please can you get in touch if you would like to arrange a Covid-19 Action Plan meeting.


Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBIL)

One of the funders we are currently working with has provided details of the standard information lenders will expect to see in support of a CBIL application. If you are considering or are in the process of applying for a loan, please get in touch.


WhatsApp Group

The Covid-19 WhatsApp group has proven to be very popular, if you haven’t yet joined, please contact us.

Feel free to share the link with anyone else who may benefit from the information being provided.


If have any queries on this content or any other Covid-19 related matter, please get in touch.

The post Daily Update – 31 March 2020 appeared first on Universal Content Master.

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