MarketFinance acts to plug £20b cash flow gap from furlough payroll strain – 22 April 2020
MarketFinance acts to plug £20b cash flow gap from furlough payroll strain
- Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme: Huge take up will put financial pressure on struggling SMEs as they pay furloughed salaries up front
- Double pressure: HMRC will hold up £20b in reclaims1 by businesses for days
- Solution: MarketFinance will ease financial strain on SMEs by now advancing against CJRS claims
- Furloughing: It is estimated that 8 million salaries will be paid to furloughed employees every month between now and the end of June.
22nd April 2020, London: Already cash strapped SMEs across the country will be (up to) £20b out of pocket when the first round of salaries are paid to the 8 million people currently furloughed through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS). Businesses must pay staff and then reclaim the money from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) online starting this week (20th April). However, firms are not expected to start receiving rebates until at least the end of April, and maybe even longer.
Fintech business lender MarketFinance has stepped in to help SMEs bridge the gap between paying furloughed staff and waiting for their CJRS claim to be paid by HMRC. Having delivered invoice finance solutions since 2011, MarketFinance has pivoted their tried and tested model to provide funding against HMRC payroll rebates. Where invoice finance has up until now seen businesses advanced money owed to them in outstanding invoices, MarketFinance will now offer the same cash flow solution to SMEs looking to advance funds owed in CJRS claims. Businesses will initially be able to apply for funding facilities up to £150,000.
Anil Stocker, CEO at MarketFinance, commented: “With April’s payday looming, it is essential that the HMRC application process is smooth and that payments are made as soon as possible. Any delay would exacerbate the cash crisis many companies are facing and could threaten jobs and the survival of these businesses.”
“We’ve been advancing cash to businesses since 2011 against invoices with long payment terms. We have perfected this model over the years and, now, have quickly adapted our model to meet the current needs of business. These vulnerable businesses, already very short on cash in the bank, will face yet another pressure by having to pay salaries for furloughed employees and then reclaim it days later.”
Emma Loisel, chair and co-founder of coffee wholesalers Volcano Coffee Works commented: “The furlough scheme is most helpful, but timing and speed of payments is key. Even though 90% of our customers have closed, most of our business operating costs continue. We are monitoring our cash flow on a daily basis. Employees are a big part of our costs. We furloughed two thirds of our team in March, so we have already paid upfront for furloughed staff last month. Now we will pay another month before being reimbursed by the Government. This is causing a huge dent in our cash flow and makes it hard to focus on everything else we need to do to ensure the business gets through this.”
Rashesh Joshi, Co founder & Managing Director at Alexander Rosse Chartered Accountants commented: “If you think of the maths at the most basic level, business owners have received less that £2b from the CBILS scheme and yet they are likely to be out of pocket by £20b for days by HMRC which is inevitably leading to massive cash challenges. Something is not quite right here. Moreover, it is unknown if HMRC will be able to provide these funds on time, stressing the cash position of businesses and challenging one of the key objectives of this policy: the protection of business activity and employment.
Notes to the Editor
1 £20b calculation is based on: 1) Resolution Foundation estimate of 8,000,000 people likely to have been furloughed and 2) the government grant (CJRS) amount which covers 80% of workers’ typical wages, up to a maximum of £2,500 per worker, per month before tax. Therefore: 8m people multiplied by £2,500 equals £20b.
For further information please contact the MarketFinance press office: Bilal Mahmood on or +44 (0) 20 3640 7759 and +44 (0) 771 400 7257.
About MarketFinance
MarketFinance is a business finance company with offices in London and Manchester. The online platform enables businesses to access a range of flexible finance solutions — quickly and easily. This smart technology is backed by help from real people so business owners can save time and focus on growing their business.
Since 2011, MarketFinance has advanced over £2.9 billion to companies across a range of sizes and sectors, providing working capital and finance for everything from paying staff and suppliers to launching new products or services and accelerating growth.
MarketFinance is backed by Barclays, Santander InnoVentures, European venture capital fund Northzone (invested in Klarna, iZettle and Trustpilot), private equity group MCI Capital (also invested in iZettle, Azimo and Gett) and Viola Credit.
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